Upcoming Events

Welcome to Our Parish 

Online Presence 

We are pleased to announce that we have launched our new and exciting parish website. Please check it out at www.stjosephfb.org 

The parish website is an opportunity to tell the parishioners and visitors about our parishwhere the church is, what events take place, and when. Also, it's a source of news and information such as Sacraments, bulletins, upcoming events, links to the Safe Environment Program, Diocese, The Holy See, Daily Readings and much more. The site has easy navigation, one-touch giving, a Facebook feed, and looks great on all of your devices. We are accepting credit/debit card payments in the parish office. 3% card processing fee will automatically be applied to all office related payments but not for the online donations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Ash Wednesday/Miercoles de Ceniza

Healing Mass / Misa de Sanación

There will be a Healing Mass on Thursday, November 17th starting at 7:00p.m.There will also be an Adoration prior to the Healing Mass.

Habrá una Misa de Sanación el jueves 17 de noviembre a partir de las 7:00 p.m. También habrá una Adoración previa a la Misa de Sanación.

Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

Please come and pray with us, Rosary this Monday-Thursday at 6:30 p.m. to complete this Novena on Friday October 7th . at St. Joseph’s School Grounds Rosary and Procession will be held at 5:30 p.m. and Mass to be followed. All are welcome to celebrate.

Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario

Ven y reza con nosotros el Rosario este lunes a jueves a las 6:30 p.m. para completar esta Novena el viernes 7 de octubre. En los terrenos de la escuela de St. Joseph', el rosario y la procesión se llevarán a las 5:30 p.m. y Misa a seguir. Todos son bienvenidos a celebrar.

Carnival Meeting

Beginning of the Month of October Carnival Meeting Will be hosted every Sunday at 4:00pm. Please kindly mark your calendars. 

Comenzando el mes de Octubre las juntas del carnaval serán todos los domingos a las 4:00 p. m. Por favor, marque sus calendarios.

Special Announcement

A Retreat will be held in Spanish at Saint Joseph’s Catholic School for Leaders of Ministries, Groups, Servers and all parishioner who are wishing to reencounter Christ are

welcome to attend this 15th October 2022. More Information to come. 

Un Retiro en la Escuela Católica de San José para los Líderes de Ministerios, Grupos, servidores, y todos los feligreses que deseen reencontrarse con Cristo están invitados a asistir

este 15 de octubre de 2022.Mas información próximamente.

We Accept Credit Cards

We are now accepting card payments in the parish office. Please kindly note there is an automatic 3% card processing fee, for all office related payments. We appreciate your comprehension and cooperation.

Ahora estamos aceptando pagos con tarjeta en la oficina parroquial. Tenga en cuenta que hay una tarifa de procesamiento de tarjeta automática del 3% para todos los pagos relacionados con la oficina. Agradecemos su comprensión y cooperación.

Special Donation

Father Rayanna is kindly asking for a generous donation of an iPad Tablet for the church use, this is in relations to the new online payment system that we are pleased to inform is now in full effect. If you would like to consider your donation of a new/or used iPad in working he would greatly appreciate it. Please contact the Parish Office.

El padre Rayanna solicita amablemente una generosa donación de una tableta iPad para el uso de la iglesia, esto es en relación con el nuevo sistema de pago en línea que nos complace informar que ya está en pleno efecto. Si desea donar un iPad nuevo o usado en buenas condiciones, el se lo agradecería mucho. Por favor contacte con la Oficina Parroquial.

Giveaway to Children

We are kindly seeking donations of gift and prizes, to give away to children the day of the Carnival October 23. If you would like to make your donation please drop them off at the Parish office.

Estamos buscando donaciones de premios para regalar a los niños el día del Carnaval 23 de octubre. Si desea hacer su donación, déjela en la oficina parroquia.